
Showing posts from November, 2017
Plan.Business, What Makes A Good Survey by James C. Hernandez November 22, 2017 Too many surveys ask obvious questions where the question is known or doesn’t really derive into any useful action. Good surveys ask questions that lead to new business decisions or actions. First let’s talk about what a bad survey is. In the past surveys were paper based, expensive to print, there was no Internet or Web so it people had to gather large groups into rooms which tended to get hot and uncomfortable.  This gave surveys a bad reputation for years and still lingers a bit today. Additionally, people taking the surveys had no idea how the information was being used, and only received money for taking the survey. These surveys are bad because they are not client focused and the client feels like they are part of the herd and their individual responses are ignored. There is no correlation between individual survey responses and business actions – so people feel ignored. A good survey i
In my business research this week I found that nearly 90% of all startup businesses fail. They start off with a great idea and slowly die because their founders fail to listen to changing needs of customers, fail to adapt to identify new growth areas and changing customer needs, and ignoring trends and losing touch with customers until it is too late. Big changes coming soon are what we are calling “Bridges”, we are adding new ways to connect combinations of businesses and people using similar but complementary business goals a.k.a. “Bridges”. People and companies tend to build Walls, Walls isolate people and businesses. Walls slow and disrupt the flow of information, cooperation, sales and growth of business and isolate and make people miss out on goods and services they weren’t aware of.   People and business both miss out and loose in the end. Using our “Bridges” small and medium sized business can instantly create a bridge to a target audience without guessing, cold calling
Plan.Business was created to help small and medium sized businesses grow by using some of the same technologies larger companies are using now to keep satisfied customers.  There is so much competition today, and if people look hard enough they can always find something cheaper.  However, cheaper price does not win against trust, convenience, and customized service. The economy is still tight and so is money, so it is more important than ever to work smarter and not just harder - You can win if you do! We want to do more for you. Our site allows you to generate customer surveys and send out links just as easy as sending out an email. All they have to do is click the survey link in the email. Better yet, Twitter and Facebook surveys can be shared again and again to expand your reach (just ask friends to share you survey with their friends).

Welcome to Plan.Business Surveys

Did you know among satisfied customers, 73% will recommend a brand to others, and 46% say they will trust that brand’s products and services above all others? – SDL Global CX Wakeup Call Report Visit  Plan.Business  to learn how we can help you